Saturday, November 26, 2011

Hanukkah Menorah

Chanukah Hanukah -The menorah light

Like the song, Hanukkah is approaching us, donuts, candle lighting, lots of light, the victory of the few against the many.
It is customary to light a Hanukkah menorah; candles should not be used, but only to see. It is customary to put the menorah on a shelf of the window so that everyone could   see the light, when I visited Jerusalem, I saw people placing the menorah in the street. The problem was that when the wind was blowing - the candle went out. Then  I went to visit my good friend Kobi Illuz  - Shaked's designs artist. There he showed me something new - a menorah house . This looks like a menorah, with transparent doors and it has nice  designed. You can  put the menorah in it. Close and ... We have protective menorah. So we can place  the menorah outside without fear that the candles will go out. Beautiful way to protect the menorah (Hanukkiah
So if you are preparing for Hanukkah, making the dreidels, the sufganiot,  and any Hanukkah songs. Here you have new  product worth looking for - a menorah house . You can find this menorah house at Shaked designs.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hanukkah - menorah and sufganiyot

Light  menorah candle 

When we were kids at the kindergarten, Hanukkah  party was most important party  during the year. The thing that we were  waiting for was the giant spinning top the sevivon.  It was ceiling hung a large sevivon made ​​of cardboard  that was hang on the ceiling  , In this   giant dreidel awaited for us many gifts. After we ate donuts, we sang songs of Chanukah, and of course we light the Hanukkah candles on the menorah. At the end of the party the teacher used to take the big dreidel and open it and divides each child a gift.

Hanukka today

Today you can choose online Menorahs, to light candles with an iPhone, and eat  low-calorie eating donuts- sufganiyot , and see the story of Judah Maccabee and the Hashmoneans against the Greeks face in three dimensions. And that's what the kids of today will remember a few years.

The hanukkah spirit

And yet .. Hanukkah is a holiday atmosphere. Especially in Israel. You can see  huge Chabad  menorahs every important junction  inflamed with electricity. All the coffee and sells  donuts and their frying smell spreads all over the street, the school closed for eight days as the miracle of the oil and tin holiday  atmosphere on the street.