From the dawn of Jewish history, the Olive tree has appeared as a symbol and sign, entwined with Judaic tradition.
In the Book of Genesis, Noah sent out the dove to look for dry land. She returned with an olive leaf in her mouth, indicating the end of the Flood.
Later, in the book of Deuteronomy, the olive tree is listed amongst the seven species with which the Land of Israel was blessed.
With time, the olive tree has become a symbol of wholesomeness and symbiosis with the land, particularly the Land of Israel.
There are many special virtues to the
olive tree which Man has learned to utilize to produce food, shelter, oil and cosmetics.
For ages, olive wood has inspired the heart of many artists. The uniquely shaped trunk, the historical past of each ancient tree, the overall beauty as well as sturdiness of the wood has sparked
the imagination of Jewish artisans throughout time and been incorporated into their works of art and Judaica.
The artists at
Shaked Designs are aware of the uniqueness and special quality of the olive trees planted in the Judean Mountains. With this awareness, olive wood is incorporated as a natural raw material which adds a special spirit to each work, reconnecting us to the earth, the Land of Israel and to creation itself.