Monday, July 4, 2016

Dating app - For single and married

Another date, same questions... Do you have app for me?

It's hard to be single. Even more difficult to get out 50 dates, ask and answer the same questions.
So, to help you, here are some nice app.

Get to know 

Get to know - This  simple game that can help you get to know your partner in a creative way. The concept is simple: answer separately on identical questions and finally comparing together. When the goal is not test match. But create new topics of conversation, every question opens new and interesting story that could let you know the partner's new way.

And what about married couples?

I think that if you are married for ten years. And find yourself sitting with your husband or wife in a restaurant, and suddenly you do not have to talk about. You will find this application interface can also help you

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